Content Submission

Content Submission

Fill in your information, with a link to the document article / content / post to Google docs, Dropbox, or OneDrive. You may also add your document (article / content / post) as an attachment. After your submitted content is reviewed you will receive an email with your hyperlink / permalink, of a successful submission once your content is live, and published.

These are the guidelines for the content being submitted:

  • Valid contact information as filled in the form below.

  • Unique content that hasn’t been published anywhere.
    • All content is checked for duplicates, and entire copies by Grammarly.

  • Minimum of 350 words.
    • Unless it’s an infographic, or multimedia content.

  • Minimum of 1 photo.
    • E.g. Pexels, Unsplash, etc.
    • Complementary | VT Content # NFTs are included with your content.

‣ Your content will be seen via vast audiences after being published on content is shared on IPFS, blockchains, metaverse, and social networks.

‣ Your content is read by audio media player whenever applicable for those listening to content, and/or using tools such as AI audio, Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, via smart home devices.

‣ Your content is published via Content |, #vitalizeone, or an optional AuthorBox / related content on below your article / content / post, which can include any links leading to you (contact information, website/s, d/apps, social media profiles, and on) if you would like.

    This additional exposure to you, your content, your ideas, your brand, etc., can enhance your success, and your results. audience caters to investments of not necessarily to big names, but to big ideas also, and to intuitive content in general. Begin, with what you already have, and wherewithal will find its way to you.

    Great connections via communications aren’t built in a day, they are built daily. Everyone is welcome to submit new content as many times by following the guidelines above.

    Fill in this form to begin:

      Every content submission is processed, and replied to accordingly. | Publishing

      Email: ~ IPFS, blockchains, and web3 enabled.